Health Services
The National Association of School Nurse's (NASN) Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice™ creates an overarching structure that includes concepts integral to the complex clinical specialty practice of school nursing. The framework provides a graphic illustration of the key principles of professional school nursing practice, reflecting the organization's stance for evidence-based best practice and providing focus to priority school nursing activities. The framework provides guidance for the practicing school nurse to reach the goal of supporting student health and academic success by contributing to a healthy and safe school environment. NASN believes it has a responsibility to its members and to the public they serve to develop a framework for professional school nursing practice.
Director of Health Services
Jennifer Silva, M.Ed., BSN, RN, NCSN
Phone: 781-393-2292
Andrews Nurses' Office
Phone: 781-393-2228 x7705
- School Entrance Requirements and Immunizations
- Use of crutches
- Physical Exams
- Medications
- Health Screenings
- Medford Public Schools Wellness Policy
- Head Lice
- Lead in Water
- COVID-19 Information