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Middle School Math Students with Laptops

Director of Mathematics 

Faiza Khan


Andrews Mathematics Staff

Guiding Principles

The K-12 Medford Public Schools Mathematics Curriculum reflects and supports the vision of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Massachusetts State Curriculum Framework for Mathematics (2017), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System. The mathematics programs adopted by the district are based on the district’s K-12 philosophy that:

  • Math class is about learning and not rote memorization
  • Mistakes are valuable and give a reason to reflect
  • Questions and their timing are important to have deeper learning
  • Depth is achieved through interesting and engaging mathematical problems that encourage connections, conversations and modeling.

While the mathematics content standards change from one grade to the other, the mathematics practice standards stay the same for grades K -12 and are as follows:

  • make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
  • reason abstractly and quantitatively
  • construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
  • model with mathematics
  • use appropriate tools strategically
  • attend to precision
  • look for and make use of structure
  • look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Mathematics Curriculum Overview

The goal of mathematics instruction throughout grades 6-8 is to have students build new mathematical ideas and experiences drawing from the connections and relationships with mathematics they learned in elementary school. All students engage in a three-year course of study that integrates content strands and mathematical practices.

Grade Level Syllabi