Welcome to Andrews Middle School
Andrews Middle School
3000 Mystic Valley Parkway
Medford, MA 02155
Phone Number
Jennifer Skane
Andrews Middle School News
Today’s Message Includes:
- Opening Message
- MPS Celebrates 100 Days of School
- Students Achieve Success Outside the Classroom
- Humanities Department Recaps Their Year So Far
- Food Services Continues to Find New Ways to Support Students
- Job Opening
- Upcoming Events
February 8th - Math Counts competition @AMS 9-1
February 10th - 14th - Spirit Week February 10th -13th
Carnation Sales Delivery 2/14
February 13th - Skate Day - permission slips due NOW!
Future City Competitors Take Third Place
Five MPS Students Invited to Prestigious Junior Festival
In Person: Wednesday, March 5, 9-10:00 a.m. at the Andrews MS Cafeteria
- Coffee & Tea Provided
Zoom: Thursday, February 13, 6:00 p.m. (Click Here For Link)
Please see the attached flyer for more information about an opportunity to participate on the Unified Basketball Team for middle school students to be held in the McGlynn School Gymnasium during the month of March.
February 3rd - PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Cafeteria with listening option on Zoom
February 5th - Early Release 11:30